During World War II, there was a song that was song by Americans, that had as part of its lyrics, the refrain "...And, we won't be back 'til it's over over there."
I pray that people in this country DO NOT feel that this is the mission we will impose on our proud sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters who currently are "in country" in Afghanistan and Iraq. WHY?
Because, when you are dealing with relgions as old as Christianity, and Islam, we are talking ahout centuries of discord that trace their history back before the Crusades.
This article/ editorial was generated by a man who called into the Washington Journal program put on by C-Span, in which he said that part of the problem was letting troops rotate in and out of Iraq. His solution was to put them there and not let them come back until it is over, echoing the "We won't be back 'til it's over over there." He also said we must resume the draft.
He must not actually KNOW anyone who has been in Iraq. I know guys that have been there, one has been two times...they beleive it is time to bring ALL the troops home, NOW, as do I.
Bush and his cadre say there is no timetable to bring people home.
That is an openended commitment to continue the slaughter of our young men and women, and FOR NO REASON.
This is NOT WWII, and there is no flag to take. This is a religious, fundamentalist war, and involves people who are stirred up by rhetoric similar to the rhetoric that inspired us during WWII , and ironically, also spurred the Nazi troops...i.e.,
"For God and Country". Xenophobia, patriotism, and religion are volatile components of a mixture that is emotion driven, and not logical.
It is a mutually accepted race to destruction.
Bring the Troops Home, NOW!
~CodeWarriorz Thoughts