Opposing Bushy: Alaska Native and Native American Issues - ENewsBlog

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Alaska Native and Native American Issues - ENewsBlog

Alaska Native and Native American Issues - ENewsBlog
All Tribes Energy Alliance2005-06-26 06:24:37

WHEREAS, we, the members of the National Congress of American Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants the inherent sovereign rights of our Indian nations, all rights secured under Indian treaties and agreements with the United States, and all other rights and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and Constitution of the United States to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution; and

WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest and largest national organization established in 1944 and comprised of representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and local Tribal concerns; and

WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of NCAI; and

WHEREAS, that all of the Tribes across America combine their efforts in alternative energy and regionalize opportunities to become the next energy supplier for all of America; an

Whereas, the Tribes fully exploit all the technologies available in the Alternative Energy Field including: solar, wind, wave, falling water, and/or biomass waste resources for all of the Tribes to achieve sustainable energy independence; and

Whereas, the Tribes give full consideration in establishing All Tribes Energy Alliance regionalizing by different areas of Indian Country; pooling their resources available exploiting solar, wind, wave, falling water, and/or biomass waste resources to not only met Tribes’ energy needs but have the ability to supply neighbors surrounding the reservations; and

Whereas, the Tribes rapidly become educated on the declining fossil fuel of America which uses 25% of the world’s oil and America’s current economy drains their natural resources and pollutes the environment. Tribes can be in the center of commerce of America and every Tribe has solar ability, wind power, some tribes near the ocean, tribes have falling water and/or have available biomass waste that can convert into energy; and

Whereas, the Tribes realize that the future of Energy can be the future of a new tribal economy and combing forming regional setting of developing energy it can and will bring prosperity and in our life time we can eliminate poverty, improve our quality of life and bring us into prosperity; and

Whereas, the Tribes form the All Tribes Energy Alliance, partnership with their Tribal Colleges and high schools to establish curriculum that full addresses energy needs and start on the path of developing tribal expertise within the Alternative Energy fields; and

Whereas, the Tribes launch this endeavor at the earliest possible time for America’s Energy Crisis can become a prosperous opportunity for Tribes to launch new tribal energy economy for America is busy at war and opportune time to establish the Tribes in becoming Energy Suppliers to all of America and their energy needs.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, NCAI supports this resolution for it addresses the national, regional and local goals and objectives of the Tribes and it brings great prosperity becoming and establishing Alternative Energy projects across all of Indian Country.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NCAI requests unanimous support for this resolution for it brings new tribal economies that meet and exceed our tribal goals and fulfills tribal self-determination to a new level of empowering Tribes.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, NCAI calls upon the Tribes to become more aware of the Energy Crisis of America and how the Tribes through alternative energy projects by can become major Energy Supplier for America. Also, readily available technology in this Alternative Energy Field with such opportunities as transfer of knowledge and know-how with potential to form Tribal International Renewable Resource Centers which can provide Tribes with Technical Assistance, Training, with capacity to have business incubator with recommendations on potential industrial opportunities with by-products and durable goods that replaces steel, aluminum and copper.


The foregoing resolution was adopted at ___________________________________the National Congress of American Indians, held at ________________________________________________with a quorum present.




_________________________Recording Secretary

Adopted by ______________________________________________________________


All Tribes Alternative Energy Alliance

Mission Statement

All Tribes Alternative Energy’s vision is to be recognized, both nationally and worldwide, as a center of excellence providing support for the development and growth of The Tribes renewable and sustainable energy industries.


To assist the development of the Tribal sustainable energy industry through standards development, equipment testing, research and development, demonstration, education, training and policy analysis. Educating on the availability of existing technologies in the alternative energy field. Create more awareness of the opportunities to become major energy suppliers for all of America. Work with existing Native Organizations in the Energy field or friend non-native companies already established and willing to work with the Tribes.

All Tribes Energy Alliance Education and Policy


Through the Tribal International Renewable Resource Centers - All Tribes Energy Alliance Education and Policy program provides education and training in renewable energy and sustainable energy at all levels, including short courses, award courses, and information dissemination. It also provides policy analysis and market research services.

The program seeks to continue and expand on the nationally and internationally recognized work that was previously undertaken by the Tribal International Renewable Resource Center in the areas of education and policy, complimentary to the covered by the training and professional development activities of the Center. A wide range of areas related to sustainable energy and greenhouse gas abatement are covered by the Energy program and include:

grid integrated/connected renewable energy systems, devices, components and related issues;

energy efficiency and energy management in industry, transport and residential and commercial buildings;

greenhouse gas auditing, abatement and trading, as related to energy;

stationary and transport uses of fuel cells, alternative transport fuels, hydrogen-energy systems and the Hydrogen Economy; and

implementation of sustainable energy solutions in developing countries.

Tribal economic feasibility demonstrations of energy and materials production from renewable resources;

Establish regional Tribal Renewable Resource Centers across all of Indian Country with capabilities of establishing regional Renewable Resource Parks on tribal lands.

Establish regional technology transfer centers of the Tribal International Renewable Resources Centers with ability to launch new tribal ventures that provide goods and services to support tribal achievements of sustainable-resources with tribal wealth-expanding, economies.

Education Program

The Education component of the All Tribes Energy Alliance Program has four areas of work/activity:

Short courses and professional development;

Partnership with Tribal Schools and community outreach;

Partnership with Tribal Schools and Education; and

Provide Tribes Technical Assistance and Further Education in the Alternative Energy field.

Policy Program

The Policy component of the All Tribes Energy Alliance program seeks to provide independent tribal policies formulation and analysis, as well as tribal market research in the areas covered by All Tribes Energy Alliance , with emphasis on all of Indian Country perspectives. It will provide support, as resources permit, to Tribal industries, Tribal communities and different levels of partnerships and launching new Tribal Ventures.. It will actively seek to be part of, and interact with, other interstate and national policy initiatives and groups as required.

Technical and Further Education

As interest in renewable energy technologies increases, both nationally and internationally, there is a need for a strong network of trained installers to meet the demand from customers.

All Tribes Energy Alliance , in conjunction with leading Technical and Further Education tribal colleges institutions and other universities willing to establish a partnership with this endeavor, is seeking to address this issue through the development and delivery of materials and of courses at level related to the areas covered by the All Tribes Energy Alliance programs and future programs developed as need arises.

Community Education

All Tribes Energy Alliance has a strong commitment to school & community education. Schools can access free of charge teaching resources as well as information on renewable energy sources & technologies at the dedicated schools website. All Tribes Energy Alliance also presents workshops for schools and community groups on renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse issues. Some of the activities in this area include:

Development of web-based and printed information related to the areas covered by the All Tribes Energy programs;

Regular, ad hoc, seminars in areas covered by the All Tribes Energy Alliance programs;

Development of resources for use in all Native American schools on renewable energy, energy efficiency, the hydrogen economy/fuel cells and greenhouse gas issues;

Development and offering of Schools workshops and activities on renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas issues;

Assist the implementation of the Certificate I in Renewable Energy in High School in All of Indian Country Schools.


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