Cowardly King George seems to suffer from an as yet, unrecognized acoustic disorder. Apparently, when people say positive things about him or his policies, or ask softball questions, he hears just fine, but when asked a question pointing out the utter failure of his policies, or potential legal problems about what he is doing, or his association with Ken Lay, he actually goes legally deaf, or his hearing becomes so poor, he has to ask for a repeat of the question.
A perfect example occurred recently.
From read :
"During a question-and-answer session with students at Kansas State University, sophomore Tiffany Cooper asked, "Recently, $12.7 billion was cut from education, and I was just wondering, you know, how is that supposed to help our futures?"
"The education budget was cut?" Bush responded. "Say it again. What was cut? At the federal level?"
She repeated the question and clarified that she was referring to student loans.
"Actually," Bush finally said, "I think what we did was reform the student-loan program.
"We're not cutting money out of it. In other words, people aren't going to be cut off the program. We're just making sure it works better."
Hey "Resident Evil" Bush, you might have stepped in a fresh cow pattie on your ranch, because I sure smell a strong scent of BULLSHIT!